
Believing in something bigger than ourselves

As a company, we believe everyone should have the same opportunities to pursue their version of progress. We encourage employees to volunteer locally and contribute to the causes they care about through The Progressive Insurance Foundation. We also support larger initiatives like our community outreach programs.

Progressive people lead the way

We established The Progressive Insurance Foundation in 2001 as part of our company's overall charitable efforts. Our goal is to support causes our people care about while reaching the widest array of communities where we—and our customers—live and work.

To help achieve this goal, we offer a charitable giving program called Name Your Cause. The program offers each Progressive employee the annual opportunity to recommend a favorite charity to receive a monetary gift—compliments of The Progressive Insurance Foundation.

Any qualified civic, cultural, educational, environmental, health care, human services, or religious 501(c)(3) public, tax-exempt charitable organization may be eligible.

In addition to financial contributions, we encourage and support our employees in giving back to their communities through volunteerism and other charitable efforts.

When Progressive people have an opportunity to make a difference in their communities, they jump into action.

Investing in our communities through education

From innovative products and services to goal setting and people planning, we look to the future in nearly everything we do.

We educate and advise smart insurance decisions, promote safe driving and financial literacy, and encourage students to connect classroom-learning to career opportunities

Since 2013, hundreds of Progressive people have inspired more than 35,000 elementary, middle, and high school students across the country. Our volunteers present internally developed Crash Courses that help students better understand how financial literacy and classroom skills apply to real-life situations and can lead to job opportunities in the insurance sector.

In addition, we donate office supplies and PC equipment to educational institutions to support education and our communities. As of 2022 we started making those donations to PCs for People, a nonprofit organization specializing in refurbishing and upgrading computers for students and those in need.

Our IT organization helps high school students in the Cleveland, OH and Colorado Springs, CO areas expand their skill sets and map out their professional future through high school internship opportunities as well. Students apply classroom learning to on-the-job situations through the Progressive Educational Partnership Program (PEPP). This program gives high school students in IT tech prep school a firsthand taste of what a career in IT at Progressive is like.

If you're interested in learning more about our Crash Courses or other education offerings, please email

Continuing to focus on veterans

We continue to devote time, energy, and resources to help veterans facing tough challenges with vehicle donations through the Keys to Progress® vehicle giveaway program. The program was established in 2013, and as of 2023 we have gifted more than 1,000 vehicles to veterans in need.

Through the program, we also donate vehicles to veteran-focused organizations and veteran-owned small businesses to provide the types of transportation they need to better serve their communities. This outreach effort also gives us an opportunity to team up with many business organizations we work with day in and day out to do something good together to benefit others.

Making strides toward ending homelessness

Through our homelessness support, we partner with like-minded organizations to help create sustainable, nurturing living situations for people in need. We started working with Humble Design in 2020, a Detroit-based nonprofit that serves individuals, families, and veterans emerging from homelessness by transforming their empty house into a warm, welcoming, and uplifting home with donated furniture and household goods.

To expand our work in this area, in 2023, Progressive developed a corporate relationship with Family Promise, the nation's leading nonprofit organization focused on family homelessness with nearly 200 affiliates across the United States.